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Red Kite Learning Trust


Welcome to Early Years (Nursery, Pre-school and Reception)


Welcome to Western Primary School

Our vision for our early years children is to create happy, engaged and confident learners who are independent, creative, kind and enthusiastic learners. The environment in EY indoors and outdoors will stimulate and enhance the children’s learning and reflect their current interests and fascinations. Every child is valued, feels safe and are part of the school community.

Philosophy JPG

FS1 (Nursery) admissions arrangements

Click here for details of our admissions arrangements >

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Further Information

If you are interested in applying for a place for your child, please complete the Nursery Registration and Options Forms available in the Registration Documents section, and return them to the school office.  Please contact the school office should you need any further information. 

Telephone: 01423 502737


Additional Hours

Western Primary School provides before and after nursery/school care option for all children who attend Western’s Nursery and Reception. This provision before and after the school day is based in the reception and nursery classrooms.

Provision runs from 7.30 am to 6.30pm.

Please see the options booklet for pricing in the Registration Documents section below.

Commitment from Parents 

In order to be able to organise our provision and staffing arrangements, we need a definite commitment from parents as to their requirements. This can only be done using our booking form which is a legal requirement.  Payments MUST be made at the beginning of each half term.  By agreeing to care for your child we are undertaking a financial commitment and if your child does not attend the session we may still charge (e.g. holidays taken in term time or absence due to short term illness).

In exceptional circumstances, such as bereavement or long term illness extending beyond a week, Western may exercise its discretion as to whether a charge will be made.  Once a booking is made for a term, this commitment must be honoured and any cancellation will be subject to payment of fees for that half term.  If parents continue to use the service after the period covered by their signed application form, they will be taken to have accepted that the same conditions still apply for each subsequent term unless a change is agreed in writing.

Click below to find out valuable information about each section of our early years.

Western Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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